One way to correct the paragraph spacing would be to press the Delete key every time you see an extra paragraph mark. After clicking Show/Hide, you discover that in some cases, there are two paragraph marks instead of one. The report is well written, but there is inconsistent paragraph spacing throughout. A colleague has resigned, and you have been assigned the task of editing a report that the colleague worked on before he left.There is! Just use Find and Replace to do the job for you. You start replacing the symbol manually but stop yourself after a few attempts. You need to keep the hyphenated words together by replacing the regular hyphen with a non-breaking hyphen. You have just finished writing a draft of your first novel, and it includes a variety of hyphenated words.You can easily replace the word “section” with the section symbol using search and replace. Your document is over 50 pages, and there are numerous references to various sections throughout. The section symbol is a pair of overlapping “S” characters and is often used in legal documents to reference a numbered section in a document. You have been asked to replace the word “section” with the section symbol. Let’s say there is a lengthy legal document that you need to edit.To understand when searching and replacing special characters may be useful, let’s look at some examples. When Is Searching and Replacing Special Characters Useful?